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Spring mowing tips
May 05, 2020

In April and May, the grass grows very fast in our part of the world (Overland Park). Most Overland Park lawns are cool season turf: tall fescue and bluegrass. These grasses thrive in the sunshine, moderate temperatures, and regular rain. Spring is grass growing season! To promote a healthy lawn this spring and into the summer, do the following:

  • Keep your lawn mower’s blades sharp.
  • Mow your grass regularly. For many yards, once a week is not enough. Every 4-5 days is perfect.
  • Don’t cut more than 1/3 of the length of the grass blades at a time.
  • Mulch your grass. The fine clippings will provide nutrients for your lawn.

Also remember, your lawn is not a sterile masterpiece painting, created to be enjoyed only at a distance. It is a living, dynamic part of your very local environment. Enjoy it! Pick up the sticks and branches that fall from the trees. Plant some flowers in your flower beds. Pick the weeds out of your flower bed for a couple of minutes each day. These chores are excuses to get outside and breathe fresh air, in a beautiful season of the year. Be daring: Go barefoot in your yard!

Lawn Mowing
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