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Fall leaf clean-ups
Nov 11, 2020

One of the last lawn projects of the year seems to never end: cleaning up your leaves. Back in the “olden days”, leaves were raked into piles, then burned. At some point, people became more efficient, and began to bag their leaves using their lawn mowers and tractors. And blowers became a popular way to move the leaves in, and from, yards. The most efficient way to remove leaves is to mow, mulch, and then remove. But you do not need to remove every single leaf. If you mulch, the finely shredded leaves decompose into the ground, and actually improve the soil. Here’s an excellent article from K-State Extension about this:

But, at some point, you may have too may leaves on your property to mulch into the ground. Anderson Lawn Care provides fall leaf removal service. We can help!

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