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Can you seed your lawn in the spring in Overland Park?
Mar 12, 2021

Short answer: Yes, you can seed your lawn in the spring.

Longer answer: Fall is the best time to seed your lawn. In Kansas, the most common grass is tall fescue, and it’s a cool season grass. It basically has two growing seasons: spring and fall. The grass gets stressed in the hot summer, and it is effectively dormant in the winter. So, if you seed in the fall, you are giving the grass two growing seasons for the root system to develop before it hits the stress of summer. If you seed in the spring, the grass has only one growing season to get started before the summer.

BUT…. if you have bare spots in your yard, grass seed can be planted in the spring. Fertilize it. And keep it watered. Additional applications to build and condition the soil will be very beneficial for spring seeding.

Have realistic expectations. Some of the grass will not make it through the summer. But you’ll have started the process of improving your lawn.

Alternative: if you want a lush, green lawn this spring and summer, consider installing sod. It’s more expensive. But you will have an “instant lawn” to enjoy.

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